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Welcome to the
Gates Foundation
Alumni Network

No matter where you go in life, you belong to a global community dedicated to the idea that all lives have equal value.

Welcome to the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Alumni Network

No matter where you go in life, you belong to a global community dedicated to the idea that all lives have equal value.

Alumni Spotlight

Annemarie Hou

“The Gates Foundation Alumni Network is a vibrant community bringing together mission-driven individuals for people and the planet. When I moved from Geneva to New York City, my Alumni Network colleagues were there to welcome me, and help me develop new professional and personal networks. It’s an inclusive community that shares lived experience, expertise, insights, and connections around the world. If you’re not already a member, take a moment to join today!

Annemarie Hou (2000 – 2003)Executive Office of the Secretary-General, United Nations

Zander Woollcombe

“Helping launch the Consultants Community of Practice has been an inspiring way to meet great people and learn how they approach their work all over the world on a range of fascinating and important issues. Overall, connecting with alumni has helped me think differently about what I do and why.”

Zander Woollcombe (2012 – 2016)Advocacy, campaigns, and communications consultant

Nisha Patel

“The best thing that came out of my experience at the foundation is an incredible network of lifelong friends and colleagues who are changing the world. The Alumni Network has been a great place to strengthen ties, build new connections, and find co-conspirators in making good trouble. I’m particularly excited about what’s ahead for the People of Color Affinity Group, which I was proud to help launch.

Nisha Patel (2008 – 2011)Independent Consultant + Senior Fellow, Social Policy Institute, Washington University in St. Louis